Dr. Jerry’s heartfelt desire to improve the lives of his patients and their families has fueled his steps for over 30 years.
This desire is what drives his vision for Home Life Community. As a pediatrician with professional knowledge and expertise, he has specialized in many of the issues that autistic children struggle with, such as allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, sleep cycle disruptions, and hormonal imbalances.
He is a celebrated author and lecturer and has helped numerous children recover from chronic debilitating disease.
Dr. Jerry has the unique and valuable gifting of taking hard-to-understand medical research and translating it into a practical and effective protocol for his patients – that works.
He recognizes that empowering you to care for your child requires careful and detailed communication – so that you can make educated decisions, daily.
Meet our Family.
As a dad to a son with autism, Dr. Jerry has firsthand experience of the daily reality that faces families caring for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. He personally understands the concerns for these children as they and their parents age.
Dr. Jerry will oversee Home Life Community as our president. Donna will be our treasurer. David will manage the homes as our executive director, as well as provide some of his favorite recipes.
The Kartzinel family has a personal vested interest in The Home Life Community. Their vision as a family is to provide a long-term care solution for their son, as well as your child.
Pictured Left to Right: David, Joshua, Donna, Dr. Jerry, Mark, and John